Starting a New Business as a Pet Owner

Starting a business

When you’re starting a new business, balancing work with taking care of a new pet can seem impossible. After all, how can you find the time and energy to do both? Luckily, it’s possible – and to prove it, here are eight ways to make it happen, courtesy of AngelytiX.

1. Create a Business Plan

The first step to starting any business is creating a business plan. It outlines your company goals, business structure, budget allocation, and how you plan to market your product or services. Having a clear business plan will help you stay focused and on track to get your business off the ground.

2. Consider Your Work Schedule

When you’re starting a business, consider your work schedule and how it will impact your pet. If you’re working long hours, you may need a pet sitter or dog walker to help with care. Alternatively, you might consider getting a low-maintenance pet that doesn’t require much attention, such as a cat or fish.

3. Make Space for Your Pet

If you’re working from home, create a separate space for your pet from your office to help you stay focused on work and avoid distractions. If you work outside of the house, see if there are any pet-friendly coworking spaces in your area. You could also bring your pet to work with you a few days a week to help them adjust to their new environment.

4. Help Them Adapt

When you first bring your pet home, it can be a daunting experience for both of you. Your pet is suddenly in a new environment with new sights, smells, and sounds, and it can take time for them to adjust. Fortunately, there are a few products that can help make the transition smoother for both of you. A crate or kennel can provide your pet with a safe space to call their own, while a comfortable bed will help them get a good night’s sleep. Before purchasing a product, be sure to read in-depth product reviews and information to ensure any products you’re buying are functional and safe.

5. Develop Routines

Part of taking care of a new pet is establishing routines for feeding, walking, and playtime to help your pet feel comfortable and secure in their new home. Establishing habits will also help you stay organized and efficient while working on your business. Try to set aside specific times each day for taking care of your pet so you can focus on work during the rest of the day.

6. Get Help From a Pet Trainer

If you’re struggling to balance work and pet care, consider hiring a pet trainer. A pet trainer can help you establish routines, potty train your new companion, and teach them basic obedience commands. Hiring a trainer can be a great way to take pressure off yourself as you start your business.

7. Utilize Technology While Starting a New Business

Several pet technologies can make your life easier and help you create more time to work on your business. You can use apps to keep track of your pet’s health, schedule vet appointments, and find local dog-walking services. An automatic feeder can help you keep your pet fed regularly. Utilizing these technologies can help you save time and peace of mind as you start your business.

8. Find Time to Market Your Business

With a new pet, it can be easy to get caught up in day-to-day care and forget to market your business. Schedule time to work on your marketing strategy, or consider hiring a virtual assistant to help with tasks. Creating a marketing plan will help you generate leads and grow your business.

Build Your Business

Starting a business is a big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be all-consuming. With some planning and help from technology and pet care professionals, you can successfully balance work and pet parenthood.

AngelytiX provides you with a seasoned business owner to walk you through a strategic roadmap and an outsourced CFO to help with the micro level business management required. Call 310-955-1369.

Image via Pexels