Keeping Organized as an Entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs, we are bound to wear many hats— often at the same time. Having to balance several responsibilities efficiently and effectively can be overwhelming at times, which is why organizational skills are extremely important.

If your systems are not properly organized, you are setting yourself up for a difficult ride: tasks will start piling up, you’ll feel like you’re running towards something that you never quite get, you’ll find yourself working in your business rather than on it, and so many other unnecessary issues. Bottom line is you are going to waste valuable time putting out fires that could have been prevented.

How often does life as an entrepreneur feel chaotic to you?

I know.

It does not really have to be that way. Have you ever seen a person that seems really organized and asked yourself, how? Well, it is not rocket science, but like any other good thing in life, it requires focus and consistency.

“We are what we consistently do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle

Some degree of chaos is inevitable, but there are certain things that can keep you organized. Here are 4:

1. Keep your eye on the prize

Your goals are your guiding lights. Your vision will keep you centered, so make sure you review it frequently; this will help you differentiate between what is important and what just seems to be important. The key is to learn how to become a no person: With all the opportunities that arise always ask whether this will help you reach your core vision or is “just another interesting distraction”. If it is not core, say no. When you are the size of a Google you can operate an R&D department to explore other opportunities, but as an entrepreneur you must stay focused on one goal so that you can give it your all.

2. Delegate

Seriously. Delegate. It can be the difference between success and failure. It may not be the easiest thing to do, especially if you’re used to doing things your way, but freeing up your time from administrative tasks will help you take your business to the next level. First determine how much your own time is worth – for any tasks that can get done effectively for less should be done for less so that you can maximize output. Here are a few things you can start delegating today:

• Anything that requires skills you don’t currently have
• Anything you don’t enjoy doing
• Anything that will bring in more revenue
• Anything that is easy to do, but time-consuming

3. Focus

When you’re doing something, do it. I’ll give you a really simple example: when you’re having a conversation, be in the conversation. Don’t get distracted by your phone or whatever you have to do next. Stay on task. Start with the little things and you will make it a habit that will translate into a much more efficient and fulfilling way of getting things done.

4. Block out times

Using a calendar to schedule blocks for the different thing you have to do throughout the day keeps you accountable. It helps a lot if you choose different days to accomplish tasks that require you to be on different mindsets. “Batching” tasks together will definitely help you become more productive.

By working with a to-do list assigned by days, it also makes the complete list of things that you have to do more concrete and is thus a stress reliever in and of itself.

As you can see, being consistently organized as an entrepreneur will not only help your business, but it will have a deep impact on virtually all areas of your life. Organization breeds success.


Lawrence Brown
Managing Consultant | AngelytiX Consulting