3 Ways to Incorporate Sports Into Your Career

If you love sports but aren’t sure how to incorporate it into your career, consider these various ways of entering the industry. While being a professional athlete isn’t an option for everyone, there are many ways you can incorporate sports into your career and turn your passion for sports into a professional endeavor.

Working for an existing organization, launching your own business, or getting involved with local community sports can allow you to combine your love of sports with your day-to-day life. A job related to something you are enthusiastic about can make your career fun and more fulfilling. Consider the following ways to be more involved in the sports you love, courtesy of AngelytiX Consulting.

1. Pursue a Career in Sports

One way to find a sports-related job is to apply for a position with a local sports organization, college athletic department, or professional team. Getting your feet in the door might be difficult, but it’s possible with the right amount of experience and dedication. If you don’t have the relevant skills, consider applying for an internship or investing in educational training. You can also leverage past work experience to apply for available openings.

There are a wide variety of positions you can apply for that allow you to work directly with organizations, teams, and even athletes:

  • Sports agent
  • Athletic trainer
  • Sports psychologist
  • Nutritionist
  • Contract negotiator
  • Sales coordinator
  • Marketing manager
  • Statistician
  • Materials engineer
  • Referee

In addition to these positions, several remote jobs are available if you prefer working from the comfort of your home. Writing articles or hosting a podcast allows you to discuss important sports news and topics, and being a social media producer lets you manage and maintain the online engagement of fans on popular platforms. Look for opportunities like these online, or start your own sports blog or content-based website.

2. Start a Sports-Based Business

If you have a clear vision of a product or service you would like to provide, consider launching a sports-related business. Running your own company can be fulfilling, especially when you engage with your passion during the process. Interesting business ideas include doing sports photography, offering public relations services, or providing access to in-demand products.

As a merchandiser, you can help fans show support for their favorite team by selling apparel, collectibles, and other fan gear. In addition, you can sell sports equipment, industrial goods, or lighting directly to athletic organizations.

Outdoor lighting is essential for sports with outdoor venues, such as baseball, football, and soccer. Consider researching industry case studies to understand the logistics of providing LED lights for stadiums and other venues. Regardless of your business idea, experts suggest that research and investment in your brand can help make your dream sports business a reality.

3. Support Your Local Teams

If you want to make a difference in your local community, donate profits from your business to sponsor fundraisers and improvement projects for local organizations. While this may not be the same as incorporating sports into your career directly, contributions like these can increase your team’s profile, boost morale, and encourage greater community engagement. Some ideas include updating team uniforms, replacing outdated equipment, or renovating a local venue. There are many ways to incorporate your love of sports into your professional life. Working for an established organization or starting a business is an exciting way to be more involved in your favorite sport. In addition, community outreach can help grow sports participation in your area.

Image via Pexels