Our Mission is to Support Small Business Owners
Our company was created to combat the lack of support for entrepreneurs and small business owners at an affordable rate. Bring the idea, our team will help you make it happen. Here is an interview with Lawrence Brown talking more about our purpose, sense of fulfillment, and top tips for founders.
The Problem
Strategic guidance traditionally comes either by giving up a portion of your company or by hiring consulting companies that are unaffordable to small businesses. Moreover, chief financial officers (CFOs)’ salaries are typically well over $200,000. Even quality employees are often out of the scope of a small company’s budget.
Our Strategy
We act as a combination of business coaches and consultants – guiding/teaching wherever possible but able to step in and do as necessary. We use this mixture to be more hands-on than other business coaches while being more budget conscious than other business consultants.
We enhance your team with both a strategic guide – a seasoned business owner or a “shark” – and a hard-skilled CFO and numbers person.
Most importantly, we work closely and collaboratively with our clients as a team.
Our Ideal Client
Our clients are small business owners who are creative and innovative in nature, and thus great at being product and customer focused. However, the need for an entrepreneur to also wear many other business hats can limit the success that they could otherwise achieve. We, therefore, believe that by supplementing their skill sets with the more formal business guidance needed, our clients can focus on building their business and their dream using their strengths while we do the same with our strengths on their behalf. With this relationship in place, we are proud of the success that our clients have been able to achieve – which is extremely motivating and fulfilling for us.